The Church has always given great emphasis to education. At St Martin's, we aim to offer an experience of sacredness and liturgical music through the establishment of the Music foundation in 2012, following a legacy from the estate of a faithful parishioner Anna Parker, RIP.
Since September 2013, generous patrons and benefactors from the congregation have funded Choral Scholarships, usually five per academic year. Following a stringent audition process, Choral Scholarships are offered to those in Higher Education for the period of year (which is renewable following successful audition). Choral Scholars sing at the Solemn Mass during University term time, occasional Evensongs and the services of the Easter Triduum. They also take part (without cost) in the Liturgical Choir's Cathedral Visit.
Thanks to a generous benefactor, the Music Foundation established an Organ Scholarship in 2017. The initial recipient of the Scholarship was Matthew Nicholls, an undergraduate at Cardiff University, who has continued this role in 2018.
In 2018, a Junior Organ Scholarship has been offered to Will Forrest, an undergraduate at Cardiff University. This was made possible following a benefaction and donations in lieu of presents at the Golden Wedding Celebrations of two devout members of the congregation.
For further details of scholarships, or to make a donation to continue the work of the Foundation, please contact the Director of Music at