All arrangements for Funerals should be made with the Vicar. Funerals at St Martins take the form of a Requiem Mass or Funeral Liturgy – a service of readings and prayers.
The Service is Church is followed by the Rite of Committal at either the Cemetery or Crematorium. The body of the deceased may be brought into Church on the eve of the Funeral.
In the face of death, the Church confidently proclaims that God has created each person for eternal life and that Jesus, the Son of God, by his death and resurrection has broken the chains of sin and death. By our holy baptism we share in Christ’s risen life and death cannot and does not change this.
Christians celebrate the funeral rites of the Church to offer worship, praise and thanksgiving to God for the gift of life. We continue to pray for the dead and commend the departed to God’s unfathomable love and mercy. A Christian funeral brings hope and consolation to the living.