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art and sculpture

Windows, Mosaic, Icons, Stations of the Cross & Statues

Art and artists glorify God who integrated art and beauty into his image-bearers, men and women created in his image and likeness. Artists create and design because God created and designed. They continue creating because they seek to echo the original Image and desire to make good art that magnifies God and reveals grace and truth.

Such art speaks to and inspires people, inside and outside the church, in ways that a sermon or Bible verse may not. Like music and literature it speaks to people’s hearts and minds. It prompts a sense of awe, perhaps even an awareness of the sacred.

When those moments occur, opportunities for conversation and community arise. Art becomes an invitation, asking believers and unbelievers alike to ponder, wonder, and seek answers.




Made in Roath  Arts festival

We are delighted to host annually artists from the Made in Roath Art Festival who use the Cloister and parts of the church to exhibit their works. Over the years we have seen an incredibly wide spectrum of art works and, more importantly have engaged with artists and folk from the wider community via this local community Festival. We are always interested in sharing our space with the local community. If you would like to discus a particular project with us, please contact the Vicar.


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Ellie Young  Cardiff Artist

Ellie Young – a Cardiff Artist - Made in Roath Arts Festival 2018.
Inspired by the poignant figure of the wailing Mary Magdalene, part of the terracotta group lamenting the death of Christ. Such groups, characterised by contorted poses and a high level of emotion, flourished in Emilia-Romagna in the second half of the 15th century, led by Niccolo dell'Arca's famous masterpiece in the church of S. Maria della vita in Bologna.


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Ellie created these figures over 2 days in St Martin in Roath as part of this years Made In Roath Arts Festival. Ellie also created the iconic Nativity Scene that graced the Cloister for the Christmas celebration.


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